Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Wednesday, 30 Nov 2016

Happy Birthday, Marisol Limon Martinez Haley

Today was "feed the missionary" day.  We try to have a "feed" about every 6 weeks for the young missionaries.  Today the Lems prepared the main part of the meal and we provided vegetables and birthday cake.  The lunch ("feed") was a success and there were NO leftovers - the missionaries (girls and guys) can sure eat !!!!!!

A "before" picture of the food line.  We had beef roast, mashed potatoes & gravy, broccoli/carrots with hollandaise sauce.  Chocolate cake for dessert

A "almost after" picture.  This was with the SECOND plate of roast beef.

Margaret and the Lems at the "senior" table.  At least the young missionaries left some food for us

most of the missionaries busily filling their mouths and stomachs

the "crew" of missionaries at the Hyde Park ward.  What a good group of young men & women.
Lunch is over and it time to get back to work.  Margaret in her normal mode of working with one of the "kids" on their English. Avril Shen is preparing to take the PTE English test and so they are doing a lot of practicing and preparing.

After lunch it is back to work for Margaret.  I am trying to catch up on the blog and then I will send out emails to remind the YSA about our Ward Christmas party at the Arthur Byrne Reserve, Maroubra beach.  Nothing like a barby on the beach.

Bishopric meeting tonight and then the day is over.  Missions are not for the faint of heart or lazy.  If you are looking for a vacation, then stay home and do not come on a mission.  you definitely put your shoulder to the wheel when you are called to a mission.

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