Tuesday, September 6, 2016

7 Sep 2016

We hope that those in the USA had a pleasant Labor Day and those in Australia enjoyed a fabulous Father's Day.

Just some comments for thought, for those contemplating going on a mission -

  1. Men - talk or email your Mission President and find out what kind of clothes are worn in the mission - suits or non-suit coat.  For example, Sydney is more of a non-suit coat mission.  I brought 4 suits, but I most likely will not need them; although it is nice for a change.  the big issue I have is which white shirt to wear each day.
  2. Men - think about bringing 2 pair of slacks with each suit.  You will wear out the slacks faster than the suit coat, so having 2 slacks will even things out
  3. Depending upon where you are assigned, you may need extra money to get "started" at your assignment.  The initial costs include stocking the pantry for the first time as well as household goods (from towels to appliances).  This is a bit of a shock at first, but from what we can tell it is a pretty normal happening for most missionary couples.  We were lucky in that our flat in Sydney was pretty well stocked with appliances and kitchen things, but we still needed to buy some things and replace others.
  4. We found that it takes about 2-3 weeks to get adjusted to our environs and schedule.
  5. Sisters - bring good walking shoes - good looking ones, but comfortable if you will be doing a lot of walking.  We do not have a car in Sydney so we walk everywhere we need to go.
  6. Plan on long days - 8 to 12 hours, depending upon your calling.  Lots of work to do, but plenty of enjoyment in working with the local members and people.
  7. The young missionaries (Elders and Sisters) are GREAT.  They are energetic, enthusiastic and always on the go.  Supporting them, the investigators and the new members is enjoyable and fun - and lots of work
  8. We find that wearing our Missionary name tags makes us want to do better, be better and not have the Saviour be ashamed of us.  We find that we can bite our tongue more and be more patient (with others, our companion and our selves).
  9. More tips, as we think of them.
One picture from Sydney Harbour and then more later.  This was taken during our walk on Sunday evening.

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