Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Monday, 5 Jun -  The Senior Missionaries came into Sydney for the VIVID light show.  The Lems and Haleys provided dinner and then off to see the lights.

Wednesday, 7 Jun - we did make some visits to the YSA today - IN THE RAIN.  We were blessed to have the light rain when we were walking and the heavier rain when we were on the train or in a bus.

Friday, 9 Jun - The Lems gave us a ride to the multi-stake YSA mini-conference held at Baulkham Hills.  We went to the Friday night dance for a little bit.  We left at just about the time that most of the YSA started to show up (9 or 10 pm).

Saturday, 10 Jun - Dai, Shuo (Alice) was baptised today. It was a good service and the baptism and Holy Ghost talks were good.

Sunday, 11 Jun - The day after transfer call day - SAD day.  Lots of transfers this day so we said goodbye to some who were going home and "see you later" to those being transferred.  Then we went off with the Lems to the YSA mini-conference Sacrament meeting, dinner & fireside.  The Phillips (Paulette & Dennis) and Katie Jeffree were in charge of the food, so we volunteered/got sucked into the kitchen to help prepare dinner for 700.  We had a great time and the food was pretty good when you consider the quantities. Always a good thing to see Katie, Brent, Dennis & Paulette.

Table set for the senior missionary dinner

Darling Harbour water/light show. The water is sprayed into the air and becomes the screen for the light show/graphics

more Darling Harbour

Darling Harbour

Dragon in the water

Circular Quay

Opera House used as a large screen for the video light show- VIVID

Opera House

Opera House

Opera House

Opera House

Harbour Bridge

Kiwi in the Royal Botanical Gardens portion of VIVID

A boat getting into the VIVID spirit

A Poinsettia tree

Youngest soldier killed at Gallipoli

Clowning it up at the YSA mini-convention

Sister Fata (Samoa)

Claudia, Margaret, Sister Chen, Sister Fata, Olga, Sister Lems, Mabelle Yagonia

Elder Dong

Elder Bowman

Lu, Han (Hannah)

Elder Poquita

Elder Bartlett

Elder Swaner, Poquita

Sister Wang & Sister Zhao

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