Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday, 28 Jan 2018

Monday, 22 Jan -  It is declutter day for Margaret at one of the sister's homes.  Mike ran some errands and then got back in time to help defrost a freezer and fix the outside water hose.  Mike took in one of the whipper snippers (weed eater or trimmer for the yanks) to the lawn repair shop to see if it was repairable. Then later that evening we played taxi and took one of the sisters to the little Coles supermarket to buy some groceries.

Tuesday, 23 Jan -We prepared to go out on errands, etc. this morning.  Before we left, we found that the power was out - the energy company was doing some work on the transformer that feeds our neighborhood.  We finished our breakfast, read our scriptures and then manually opened the garage door so we could get the car out.  Then off to our errands.  Sister Haley went to a doctor's appointment with one of the sisters.  Elder Haley ran some donations to the local Vinnies Op shop and picked up the whipper snipper that was declared non-salvageable by the repair shop.  Then home for lunch and then back to pick up Margaret from the doctor's office.  We then went to the branch meeting house for a meeting with the area CES person on seminary.  The branch's new seminary teacher was there and all 3 of us were instructed on the seminary program for 2018.   After a few hours of training, we all left and went home.  The Haleys went back to shuffling fabric to get the "right" sequence of the fabric for the table runner.  Mike is going blind looking at changes.  Margaret is baking Australian Kent pumpkin  (squash to the yanks) so that she can make a pumpkin pie to share with Steve Cole and his wife this coming Saturday.  Steve is a local minister at the Hub/Baptist Church here in Grafton.  Steve has been to the US&A and really likes pumpkin pie, so we are taking one to him as a friend offering.

Wednesday, 24 Jan - This morning Mike had is weekly Skype call with his mum.  Margaret played taxi about the same time.  Then if was prepare for the elder's dinner time as we had to go shopping for some of the food for the feed tonight.   DTM will be conducted by the Zone leaders, so we will have DTM at 6pm and then have dinner afterwards.

Thursday, 25 Jan - We played taxi driver today and visited with one of our neighbors.  The husband is going in for cancer surgery next week. It will be pretty major stuff so we want to keep in touch with his wife. Mike attended branch presidency meeting in the evening. Pretty much a ho hum day with things to do, but no real excitement (thank goodness as we do get plenty of drama some days). We did meet with the new seminary teacher and discussed the upcoming start of seminary.

Friday, 26 Jan - AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE OI OI OI   Today is Australia Day.  No fireworks up here in the sticks, so we had a quiet day. Mike did go out with his new fruit picker and pole and pick some more mangoes off of the neighborhood trees that are along the side of the road and are on public land.  No picnics or bbq.  Just did things around the house and tried to lay low.  In the evening, we did have to escort one of the sisters home as the power had been out in her neighborhood and there was a suspected murder or altercation (it was hard for us to get the true story) near here home.  So she did not want to go back home without some back-up - which ended up as us.  We followed her home and checked out the property and house for any intruders - we found none, thankfully.  Margaret made a pumpkin pie that we are to share tomorrow.

Saturday, 27 Jan - We talked with one of our daughters and grandson on Viber.  It was nice to see them and talk with them.  We played taxi again today for one of the sisters. In the early evening we visited one of the baptist ministers, his wife and family and had pumpkin pie.  We had a good time and got to know them a bit and hopefully they got to know us too.  We think we have new friends in the Christian community and that is good.  I have some questions that I would like his opinion on, so we hope to meet again over the next few weeks.

Sunday, 28 Jan - A busy day at Church. Elder Haley conducted Sacrament meeting, taught the YM/YW Sunday school lesson and conducted the discussion in Priesthood during  the 3rd hour.  Sister Haley led the discussion in Relief Society (RS) during 3rd hour and made some visits and a meeting with the RS president after the 3 hour Church block of meetings.  Then we had the drama of the day and made a few stops at members houses to help with the dramas of the day.  Then home for dinner and relax a bit.

We think we have the combination of fabrics for the table runner

We came home to a new squatter on our front yard.

Preparing the pumpkin for the pumpkin pie

Makings for TWO pumpkin pies.  We only made one pie, so there is potential for another one in the future!!!!

Some observors during Mike's morning walk down to the Clarence River

A little bit of fog in the lower parts of the pastures

The fog coming up through one of the lower areas along the walk to the Clarence River

Boat wreck at the fishing boat ramp on the Clarence.  The boat gets covered during high tide

The Mighty Clarence River.  This is the end of the walk, so now we turn around and walk back home

Spider Webs along the road and in the sunrise

Getting checked out on the way home

Look at those ears.  And they say - look at that silly human

Yep, looks like we still like the fabric lay out.

Mangoes from the local mango tree.  The fruit picker and rod have paid for themselves as a good, big mango sells for $2 to $3.

There is a storm a brewin' above our home.

Sunset over the Clarence and storm clouds

Panorama of the storm clouds in the west and the sun setting.

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