Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sunday, 17 Dec 2017

Monday, 11 Dec - Where is my day of rest?  Sister Haley makes her weekly declutter trip.  Elder Haley is off to the police station to get a report on Sister Haley's stolen purse which contained her Samsung mobile phone.  We hope that insurance will help pay for a new phone. Then Elder Haley went to the meetinghouse to help record/deposit tithing - which is done on Monday because the bank never checks the night deposit box and we end up going into the bank on Monday anyway (yes we have official approval to do this).  Then Mike Haley has to get TurboTax so he can work on the 2017 taxes in the near future - you cannot run far enough to get away from the tax man 😒

Tuesday, 12 Dec - We held an unofficial Primary activity today.  It is now officially summer break and Primary activities are on hold until the end of January; however, the young elders want to continue to hold game activities so that any of the neighbor kids that want to play can come over and play.  We also continued to work on preparing for the branch Christmas activity to be held this coming Saturday.

Wednesday, 13 Dec - we met with Joseph & Declan to read the Book of Mormon as usual.  This was our last reading until the end of January when summer is over.   We worked at the branch meeting house in the morning and evening - preparing for the Branch Christmas activity.

Thursday, 14 Dec - Worked all day at the branch on the Christmas activity

Friday, 15 Dec - worked all day at the branch on the Christmas activity

Saturday, 16 Dec - Worked at the branch on the Christmas activity until time to start at 6 pm. We had about 44 in attendance and half of the attendees were visitors or less actives. The activity was a progressive dinner - first course was in Bethlehem; second course in Zarahemla; third course in Grafton, NSW Australia.  The food was TERRIFIC. Bethlehem - olives, hummus, cheese, fruit appetizers.  Zarahemla - Lamb & Chicken kababs, fruit, salads.  Grafton - desserts.  The Relief Society headed up the activity and they did a BANG UP job (as always). The sisters are just amazing. We owe them so much for all that they do.

Sunday, 17 Dec -  Attended Church meetings.  Partook, gratefully, of the Sacrament.  Went home and took a LONG nap.


Grafton modern Christmas under construction

Mrs Claus (Bethany Norman) making a Christmas wreath

Spencer Norman in his elf outfit

Bethlehem food stalls being set up

Zarahemla display table

Bethlehem food table (without the food)

Head bands, arm guards, etc for the Zarahemla clothing

The Sheep in Bethlehem witnessing the birth of the Saviour

A beautiful flowering tree - Australia has heaps of various flowering trees and bushes

The Grinch working on setting up Christmas trees

From Left to right - Samuel the Lamanite, Gabriel the Angel, Nephi

The entrance to Bethlehem and Zarahemla under construction

The Arteest working on the sheep for Bethlehem

We love the spotted calf in the middle of the photo.  He is a cute little fella

Making the well where the visitors can get their water - Declan Lynch, Beth Norman, Arielle Keene

Hauling brick from the back yard to the well

The well making team - Elder Lankford, Elder Corpany, Arielle, Joseph, Beth, Declan, Spencer

The special star over Bethlehem

Painting the poles that will hold up the stall coverings in Bethlehem

"Building" the stone entrance to Zarahemla

Christmas trees made from pallets under construction

The poles holding up the stall coverings

Bethlehem & Zarahemla entrances under contruction - thanks to the skill of Clive Best

Clive & Rain Best constructing the pallet Christmas Trees

Part of Grafton Christmas set up

Martin Howard getting dressed up for Bethlehem by Beth Norman

The census and tax collector - Sister Price

A food stall in Bethlehem

The sheep waiting for their turn to eat

Some of the people at the Bethlehem food stalls

Samuel the Lamanite warning the Nephites of the coming of the Saviour

More Grafton modern Christmas

The dessert table in Grafton

Zarahemla - the main course - lamb & chicken kababs, pita bread, salads, fruit and sundry items

The Nephites listening to Samuel the Lamanite

Nephi prophesying about the coming of the Saviour, Jesus Christ

Some of the attendees 

Santa arriving on his Norton, vintage motorcycle

A view of Bethlehem, Zarahemla & Grafton entrances

Sister Haley in the Christmas tree forest

Elders Lankford & Corpany

Sister Stiller & Santa

Scott Howard & Santa

Elders Corpany & Lankford with Santa

Sister Haley & Santa

President Dave Norman & Santa

Elder Haley & Santa

Good Night all.  Wishing you a Blessed Merry Christmas

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